The Announcement – Magic Johnson [Video]
September 21, 2012 5:00 pm | Heit & Cheri
“It’s impossible not to remember the bombshell Forum press conference that autumn Thursday, and, like the JFK assassination or Challenger explosion, where we were when we heard it. “The Announcement” shows what happened behind the scenes: how Johnson learned of his illness, the anxiety over telling family and teammates and the fallout that occurred once he did. The film uses a similar format to many of the network’s “30 for 30″ films–talking-head interviews, prominent music cues, archival footage–to tell a story that most of us, it turns out, know only superficially.” – LA Times
We watched “The Announcement” last week, and it was a pretty good documentary. While the title indicates that it is about his press conference announcing his retirement due to contracting HIV, the documentary actually gives quite the overview of Magic Johnson’s life before and after going public with his health issue.
A lot has changed about he way that HIV and AIDS are viewed in the almost 21 years since Magic Johnson announced that he was HIV positive. At that time, people were very afraid of contracting the virus through casual contact. The documentary chronicles the social isolation that Magic and others with HIV and AIDS faced during the years following.
One of the best parts about the documentary is getting to see first-hand accounts of what went on behind the scenes from Magic’s view, and the others who were present during that time. Check out the film below.
Watch The Announcement Online Now!
L.A. Times
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